Things pop in Colombia!
Dear Fellowship,
Just like a boat cannot be guided until it first begins to move, so it seems that God guides us only when we get moving in good faith. In this spirit, we are in Colombia today, where we came with a few general plans, but expecting the unexpected to pop up along the way and guide us where to put our energy and resources.
In Bogota, we expected to teach our “4 Questions” on the Gospel of Life to about 50 local leaders and pastors. We did. We felt God’s pleasure in getting back to this work.

What we did not expect was to meet with pastors all over the country the next day. But pop! A zoom meeting was prearranged, but not known to me. They wanted me to summon the pastors in this network to train up tens of thousands of Christians across Colombia; to challenge them to bring Christ to the crisis of abortion.
The zoom meeting started with about 15 pastors. I thought, “Ok, small but good.” When the number of participating pastors grew to 32, I thought “Now we’re cooking!” When the number grew to 69, from all over the country, I thought, “Lord, are you kindling a country-wide movement here?”
I will now be following up with their main leader to propose an organized, nationwide, scheduled, 4 Questions Campaign for 2021 with a goal to train up several hundred thousand people through these pastors, and equip them to treasure life, reject abortion, proclaim forgiveness and rescue mothers and babies.
Unexpected Growth
The second “pop” soon followed. Two years ago, we trained a network of churches in the 4 Questions. Not until a few months ago did we learn that one pastor and his wife answered the call to rescue the innocent, and went to work opening up a pregnancy help office in one of the poorest neighborhoods of Bogota.
Coming to see this start-up was a top priority. What we did not expect was to see how far they have developed. We were shocked to learn that they are now mentoring 32 new mothers.
We also learned that a medical worker, capable of doing ultrasound, was ready to help. So, after another day of investigation, we provided them a hand-held ultrasound and ipad. They wept and we rejoiced.
Fanning the Flame
No doubt this pregnancy help ministry faces many challenges: using the ultrasound effectively and correctly, training volunteers, raising support from churches and businesses, tracking the mothers well and preparing them for parenting or adoption. But God is stirring them to meet the challenge.
Colombia is open to travel. And now we are seeing pastors and leaders who seem eager to see a Gospel of Life movement kindled and fanned into flame. Let us say “Amen” and get to work!
Rejoicing in your partnership in The Great Work,
We also learned that a medical worker, capable of doing ultrasound, was ready to help. So, after another day of investigation, we provided them a hand-held ultrasound and ipad. They wept and we rejoiced.

Fanning the Flame
No doubt this pregnancy help ministry faces many challenges: using the ultrasound effectively and correctly, training volunteers, raising support from churches and businesses, tracking the mothers well and preparing them for parenting or adoption. But God is stirring them to meet the challenge.
Colombia is open to travel. And now we are seeing pastors and leaders who seem eager to see a Gospel of Life movement kindled and fanned into flame. Let us say “Amen” and get to work!
Rejoicing in your partnership in The Great Work,

Rev. John Ensor