Abortion in Colombia
World Ranking: Unavailable
While abortion is widespread, a lack of official data prevents it from being ranked in the worldwide abortion statistics.

The Scale of the Crisis
Caribbean/Latin America Estimated Abortion Rate
The abortion rate is the number of women out of every 1000,
age 15-39, that had an abortion in a single year.
The battle for life is raging in Colombia. Following Mexico and Argentina in 2021, Colombia’s traditionally prolife nation fell to global pressure to legalize abortion on February 21st, 2022. The Constitutional Court ruled in a 5-4 decision to “decriminalize” abortion through the first six months of pregnancy (24 weeks), meaning that intentionally violating the laws protecting unborn children can no longer be punished (in effect, legalizing abortion). In one day, Colombia went from being a strongly prolife nation to one of the most radically pro-abortion countries in the world.
The major abortion business in Colombia, Profamilia, estimates that abortion has increased 65% since abortion was legalized in 2022.
They also estimate 400,400 abortions are performed annually and that 44% of unplanned pregnancies end in abortion.
Highest Global Abortion Rates*

The abortion rate is the number of women out of every 1000, age 15-39, that had an abortion in a single year.
Abortion Data Source
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Worldwide, official abortion statistics are under-reported and incomplete. In some cases, like Colombia, official data is not reported. For Colombia, we are using data collected by Profamilia, (Planned Parenthood in Colombia) and their research department, Guttmacher Institute. Where possible our data source is the Abortion Worldwide Report (AWR) [Informe Mundial del Aborto (IMA)] (Jacobson and Johnston, 2018). They provide reported and estimated abortions by year for 110 countries and other areas through 2015. You can find updates to this data here.

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