A sobering visual of the battle before us

I would like to show you a map of the world. What you are looking at is a map of the world from 1994 that highlights where unborn human life is most protected. The red that you see represents countries where no abortion was allowed. It was prohibited altogether. The orange, the second column, is where countries allow abortion to save the life of the mother, which is a little bit of a misnomer, since you could always go ahead and deliver a baby in order to save a life for the mother. That is how things work in the world. The third is the yellow which represents countries that also allow for abortion for the health of the mother however that might be defined. And so you can see that we’re moving from the most protective laws for the unborn to the least protective laws.

The light blue refers to countries where there is a broad acceptance of abortion throughout pregnancy. The dark blue, which you probably don’t see at this point on the map, represents countries that have pretty much abortion on demand. Now what you are going to see is how these laws have changed across the world over the last 25 years.

Now this map is about four years old. It goes from 1994 up into 2019. You are missing what has changed over the last few years which would even make what you see worse. But it’s the trend that I wanted to show you. This map was created by the Center for Reproductive Rights. From their perspective, what they are looking at is good. In other words, they’re beginning to see that abortion is becoming more common and more accepted around the world. So let’s see how much we have lost the protection of unborn human rights over this 25 year period. Let me play this for you.

As you can see the names of the countries that were in the dark red or in the orange are moving toward yellow and so on and so forth. Now you see quite a few countries where you see light blue and dark blue. In other words, we have lost a lot of ground over the last 25 years. If we included the last several years, you would especially see that we have lost a lot of ground in Latin America.

Abortion has been legalized in Colombia, Argentina and Mexico because they have been liberalized in many places. Because of what I have shown you, now you can understand why I’m so committed to our efforts to try to go into countries where abortion is being advocated and pushed where it’s most concentrated and see if we can’t stir up the church to create a movement in defense of the unborn. We are particularly focusing on Latin America right now and in the last year we have been to Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Honduras, Ecuador, and Bolivia.

That is a lot of concentrated power with our limited resources and staff. But we’re so committed to seeing if we can summon the church to answer the call to defend human life that we’re just putting all our attention there. We just had a team in Bolivia and they were meeting with Christian leaders that gathered in Bolivia from 22 Latin American countries. We had the opportunity to present to them our four questions that, once trained in the churches, begin to create a counter movement for life.

I really want to encourage you that, as you take your stand for life, you consider joining the few who are trying to do this in the neediest places in the world. Particularly right now, we are trying to focus on Latin America and see if we can’t stir up that church to stand for life and defend the innocent. We want to begin to see more and more countries stop yielding to these worldly and demonic powers and turn to boldly, confidently, courageously and compassionately stand in defense of the unborn.

I hope that you’ll join us in any way that the Lord prompts you to do that. Whether that’s prayer, whether that’s giving, whether that’s getting us into your missions budget at your church, whether it’s inviting us to come, we are appreciative of all of your support. We aim to carry this mission line of stopping this trend and planting the flag of truth, as C. S. Lewis said within the rebel fortress, then I want to help you accomplish it. Thank you very much.