Off to Honduras and in need of your prayers

At 3:30 in the morning, I will be leaving my house here and heading off to the airport to fly to Honduras for the next week. I will be meeting up with our team from Columbia. They will be flying in and meeting us in Tegucigalpa, which is the capital of Honduras. We are going to be teaching the four questions to pastors and Christian ministry leaders in three parts of Columbia. That is pretty exciting.

Our four questions are always the foundation of everything that happens at Passion Life, and I think it’s really the foundation for the pro-life movement at large. Again, I just want to encourage you, if you have never gone through these four questions or you are in a position to take other people through the four questions, this is another opportunity for you to do so.

I really think there are only four questions that a pastor, deacon, elder, Bible study leader, a home group leader, a Sunday school class teacher, etc. that you have a responsibility as a leader to teach the people of God on how to know the will of God when it comes to the ethics of abortion and the call to rescue the innocent. Only four questions. Now you can always learn more, but this is the starting point, and this is what we teach all over the world.

The four questions are: What does the Bible say about human life including life in the womb? What does the Bible say about the shedding of innocent blood (that is the biblical language, including abortion)? How do we bring the grace of the gospel right into contact with the guilt and the grief of abortion so that people experience God’s forgiveness and are set free from the shame and the guilt?

This is why we are always a redemptive movement. Those who advocate abortion today may be serving with us in the cause of life in just a short period of time.Lastly, What does the Lord call us to do to prevent the shedding of innocent blood? We look at examples from the Bible, in history and from today. These are really the only four questions that I think we need to bring to our people, and if you want to teach those four questions, then go and visit our website, passionlife.org and download the four questions and begin to work through them. If you have any questions about how to teach them, there is a leader’s guide there and you can always contact us. I will be glad to spend an hour with you as you prepare to teach another group of people these four questions.

So we are off to Honduras to teach these four questions to pastors who then will teach it to their pastors in their own town, who then will teach their people, who then will share it with their family and friends. That is our passion. That is our goal. That is our strategy for a rapidly reproducing movement of God if the Holy Spirit shows up. This is our first trip to Honduras. We have been to about 27 other countries and so we call this an exploration trip. It is exploring because we really do not know what is going to happen.

We are going to go down there and meet these leaders. We are going to get to know them and they are going to get to know us. Hopefully, some sort of relationship of trust and cooperation will be established there for something that is, perhaps, longer term so that we can come back and plan a nationwide campaign.This is a chance for them to see us teach so that they feel more confident and they have vetted us before they commend us to other groups of Christian leaders. It is an extraordinary opportunity for us to see what God is doing in the church in Honduras.

The Holy Spirit is not working in the same way everywhere we go. I mean, there are some places that we go where it seems like the fire is just set to the dry tender and it takes off. And other places we see where it is very slow and there is sort of a glad and helpful response, but it really does not take off. This is part of our discipline to just wait and see what God is doing among the leaders there.

Have we met the right leaders? Have they fallen in love with the word of God as we teach it to the people of God? Can we work with these people long term? If the answer is yes, they want to work with us, then we begin to start calling Honduras an initiative. We will take a three to five year approach to working with different groups of networks, churches and their different cities to see if we can penetrate this country with the gospel of life. If that is going on, then that means that pregnancy help ministries are also being started and generated by their own initiative. As they develop, we will guide them. We will help them where we can if they need us. Eventually they will become partners in ministry.We go from exploring to an initiative to having ministry partners like we now have in parts of Asia and Columbia and Cuba, where there are established ministries now that we are just partnering with.

Here is my appeal. Please pray for us as we head off. We will be there when you read this. Even if we get back before you read this, there will be all of this follow up that we need to see happen. There is always this one word in the scriptures that I think of when I get ready to go on a trip like this. It comes from 2 Thessalonians 2 where Paul was appealing to the Thessalonians. He just loved the Thessalonians. He had seen God do a great work among them and as he went on to do other projects, he wrote back to them and he said, “Brothers, pray for us that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored and be glorified.”

This is the anticipation of the gospel. What will God stir in the hearts of the people? Will they receive it? Will they run with it? Has God gone ahead now to prepare these pastors? Will they hear it and obey it and then immediately reteach it? This is what we want to ask God to do as we go down there. We need His help to teach it correctly so that they may receive it with passion and energy as a gift from God. We want them to be able to run and have their own stories to tell in a short time about how God is being glorified in their midst as they begin to answer God’s call to rescue the innocent.
Join us in prayer. Join with us in the four questions. Again, I encourage you to download the four questions. It is a 10 page document. It is not long. Begin to work your way through it and begin to find a group of people that you can share those four questions with together, and we will continue to grow as a movement of God on our own. God bless.