
Interactive Map

Where are YOU most needed? Where abortion is MOST concentrated.

Where are YOU most needed?
Where abortion is MOST concentrated.

Only 3% of abortions worldwide occur in the US.

An India Report

An India Report

John and Mark have a conversation about their work in India and PassionLife’s recent trip there. They have Amit Paul on to talk about the ongoing Pro-Life work in India.

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The Unseen Middle

The Unseen Middle

We tend to think on two planes: the natural world and the afterlife. But many cultures prioritize thinking of an unseen world between the two.

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The Crisis

Abortion, Infanticide, Gendercide

It is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being. Abortion, infanticide and “gendercide” (the killing of preborn or newborn babies based on gender, most often girls) are acts that intentionally kill innocent human beings. What is more, no one can practice child-killing without destroying themselves. It devours the innocent, alienates us from God and inflicts soul-crushing guilt and grief. Such a preeminent evil cannot go unchallenged.

A Life Transformed

Jessie—the first spark in Cuba

Cuba has the highest rate of abortion in the world. Sixty years of impoverishing oppression and lack of economic opportunity leads many to despair of their future. As hope goes down, abortion goes up. Jessie was about to give herself and her unborn baby to this culture of death. Instead she became the spark that fanned into flame the first organized pregnancy help service in Cuba.

After being trained by PassionLife, Dr. Annia Gonzalez-Cruz started a pregnancy help service called “Soplo de Vida” (Breath of Life). Jessie, pregnant and struggling with alcoholism, was among the first mothers rescued. She attended parenting classes, which led to her decision to follow Christ. With the birth of Jessie’s healthy baby, this rescue team witnessed first-hand how Christians can provide life-saving help in a life-changing way.

Today Soplo de Vida provides home visits, ultrasounds, classes, resources, and Bible studies to promote healthy parenting and godly living. You can help them fan this flame across the country.

Trinidad, Cuba: Choosing life brings its own riches.

The Call

Rescue the innocent!

PassionLife is a Fellowship of Christians pledging their time and money to rescue the innocent in countries suffering the highest rates of abortion in the world. In such places, we work to raise up bands of Good Samaritans ready to support one mother at a time, and help her discover God’s provision for herself and her baby. 

The Approach

The Gospel of Life

Starting with Christian leaders, and using easily reproducible methods for people to learn quickly and share immediately, we:

TEACH the value of life using Scripture and science. 

TRAIN people to meet the guilt of abortion with the grace of the Gospel so that people are free to stand for life.

INTRODUCE models of pregnancy crisis intervention.

The Impact

Life-Saving Changes in the Neediest Places

By joining the PassionLife Fellowship, you too can go where you are most needed—where people are taught to accept abortion, infanticide and gendercide—and help them instead to:

TREASURE human life.

REJECT abortion.

PROCLAIM forgiveness and freedom.

RESCUE the innocent, one mother at a time.

Get started now. Read about the Gospel of Life that we teach around the world.